Due to their phenomenal popularity, the Beatles were photographed and filmed for almost every moment they spent in the public eye. In the 1960s, moving images were still recorded mostly on black and white film. So even though today we may say "videos" as a catch-all term, most of the Beatles' output was film. In the 1960s, it was news photographers… Read More

I am sitting here and it is almost midnight. Your house is quiet and all is well. As I sit here and think about marketing I wished to share some random ideas on marketing in general. I call these thoughts my "Midnight Musings".Ultimate Couch Potato Life - this way of life series would be hosted by a great looking guy with a little bit of a belly. O… Read More

If you reside in Australia and you see ABC TV you may have seen the documentary called The Sanctuary. The Sanctuary centre is a homeless haven accommodating the homeless youth in the central city Suburban area of Surry Hills. The officer of the Redemption Army, Paul Moulds is its head, and Robbin Moulds, his partner, directs StreetLevel neighborhoo… Read More

Once a documentary is made the distribution stage begins.Documentary filmmaking is amongst the most accessible types of filmmaking that exist currently. It is because it is completely possible for someone to create an entire documentary single-handedly. Even documentary crews larger than one person don't need to be anywhere close to the size of the… Read More